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RDWA recognises the valued role that bonded doctors provide in supporting South Australia’s rural communities.
RDWA offers support to bonded doctors who have a return of service obligation, including:
If you are a bonded participant in the Commonwealth’s Bonded Program talk to our Recruitment Team to learn more about the tailored recruitment assistance and support available to you.
The Department of Health Bonded Participant Website provides detailed information on the Bonded Program and BROSS – the Bonded participant portal for managing your reporting and eligible service details.
Medical Rural Bonded Scholarship (MRBS) Scheme participants that have completed their course of study in medicine at an Australian university are able to opt in to the Program. Bonded Medical Places (BMP) Scheme participants can choose to opt in to the Program at any time. The MRBS Scheme was closed to new entrants in 2016. The BMP Scheme was closed to new entrants in 2020. The MRBS and the BMP Schemes are referred to as “Legacy Schemes”.
Participants of the now closed, Medical Rural Bonded Scholarship Scheme (MRBS) or Bonded Medical Places Scheme (BMP) (referred to as ‘Legacy Schemes’) considering opting into the new three-year Bonded Medical Program can find an overview of the Program in the Legacy Scheme Participant Information Booklet. The MRBS and BMP schemes are closed to new participants.
RDWA’s bonded doctor support is customised to your needs. Please contact us for more information on what support is available to you.
For more information please contact:
Angela Tridente, Director GP Recruitment and Locum
Phone: 08 8234 8277
Email: recruitment@ruraldoc.com.au