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RDWA offers support to Bonded Medical Students to prepare them for learning, working in, and contributing to the health of SA’s rural communities.
As a Commonwealth’s Bonded student you are eligible for a support, advice, and guidance customised to your needs.
While you’re in medical school, we can provide you with information about the options available to you, ranging from guidance about eligible locations and completing your return of service obligations through to grants for relocating and further training and education.
As a bonded medical student you are eligible to apply to participate in activities and clinical experiences in emergency medicine, obstetrics, and anaesthetics, that are only available to students considering working in rural or remote medicine.
Our Road to Rural Intern Program provides a wonderful opportunity for interns to have a 10-week experience as one of the formal intern rotations, working in rural general practice and the local rural hospital.
We also offer customised guidance to you:
If you are a bonded participant in the Commonwealth’s Bonded Program talk to our Future Workforce Team to learn more about the tailored bonded student assistance and support available to you.
Participants in the Bonded Medical Program are given a Commonwealth funded place to study medicine at an Australian university. In return, they commit to working as doctors in an eligible rural or remote community after graduation.
Australian universities that participate in the program will offer a bonded place to prospective students. Your university will manage the selection process.
If you are interested in applying for a Bonded Medical Program place, detailed information including eligibility, how to apply and obligations after you graduate can be found in the Prospective student information booklet
More information on the Bonded Medical Program and resources for prospective students can be found on the Department of Health Bonded Medical Program Website.
RDWA’s bonded student support is customised to your needs. Please contact us for more information on what support is available to you.
For more information please contact:
Andrea Brown, Manager Future Workforce
Phone: 08 8234 8277
Email: futureworkforce@ruraldoc.com.au