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Limestone Coast Medical - Robe provides comprehensive and continuing medical care to individuals, families, and the broader community. The practice services the Kingston Soldiers Memorial Hospital on a rostered basis. Robe and the surrounding areas are a major tourist destination with the local population tripling during peak times.
The practice has an extended urgent care facility.
The hospital is supported by SAVES (South Australian Virtual Emergency Service) for after-hours accident and emergency presentations.
The practice offers flexible arrangements and a negotiable remuneration package.
RDWA offers customised recruitment support and incentives.
Robe is a popular coastal town and fishing port located on the Limestone Coast in South Australia.
Learn more about Robe: robe.com.au
Angela Tridente, Director GP/RG Recruitment
Email: recruitment@ruraldoc.com.au
Phone: +61 8 8234 8277
Find out more To find out more about this position, or to discuss qualifications and working in a South Australian rural practice, complete the form below and we will contact you. |