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RDWA Learn is our new continuing professional development (CPD) program for rural GPs, Allied Health professionals, nurses and midwives.
RDWA Learn brings topics designed specifically for South Australia’s rural primary healthcare professionals. Learn delivers through face-to-face events and remotely via online webinars, and on demand through the Learn platform.
A three-part series focusing on case discussions about diabetes medications and osteoporosis management. The sessions invite rural GPs and RGs to forward cases for discussion in interactive one-hour sessions led by Dr David Jesudason, Director of Endocrinology, TQEH.
The RDWA annual GP conference will start on Friday 5 May, with lunch from 12noon, and continue all-day Saturday 6 May (9.30am - 4pm). Venue: Adelaide Convention Centre - City Rooms 1, 2 and 3.
A series of four webinars for one hour, covering key topics: 1) Project proposals, 2) Project implementation, 3) Problem solving and pivoting, and 4) Outcomes and learnings.
A series of four sessions: 1) Contracts, 2) Work health and safety, 3) Bullying and harrassment, and 4) Performance management.
Discuss important updates in the management of asthma, relevant asthma guidelines and the function of biologic agents in the treatment of asthma.
The RDWA Mental Health Education Series for Allied Health Professionals, Nurses and Midwives is a live local education and networking dinner that will be held in six rural locations throughout SA in 2023. Designed by Dr Cate Howell will present on evidence-based psychological interventions that can be applied to support patient mental health and wellbeing.
Dr Warren will provide an overview of recent advances in the assessment and management of skin disorders, including new immune based treatments for atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, and describe the MBS billing and compliance changes for GPs when removing skin cancers, especially melanomas.
Dr Antony Chitti will provide an overview of common paediatric presentations in general practice to enhance rural GPs’ paediatric knowledge, build confidence in diagnosing common paediatric conditions, identify the most relevant treatments, know when to refer, and inform patients and families with management referral pathways and service information.
The RDWA Paediatric Education Series is a six-part webinar series designed to provide rural GPs with the opportunity to enhance your skills and build confidence in diagnosing and managing common paediatric presentations in general practice.
The RDWA Mental Health Education Series is a six-part webinar series designed specifically for rural GPs in SA by Dr Cate Howell. Dr Howell is a GP, therapist, educator, speaker, and author with over 30 years of training and experience in the health area, and a special interest in mental health.
This webinar is the last in a series of six education sessions for diabetes management designed specifically for rural GPs in SA by Dr David Jesudason, Director of Endocrinology, TQEH
The RDWA Learn Rural Pain Education Series will run weekly for eight weeks to provide rural health practitioners with the latest evidence-based pain assessment and treatment strategies.
RDWA supports rural health practices by working with practices to improve capacity and capability of business operations, human resource management, and financial management.
The RDWA Annual Rural GP Conference 'Next Generation Care' was held 13-14 May 2022. Go to course to view session recordings.
You can read more about each of these programs using the links.
Creating an account on the RDWA Learn platform gives you access to recordings of current webinars, a resource library of past series and their recorded webinars, learning materials and attendance certificates.
For more information on your eligibility to view a program of interest please check the relevant program criteria.
Invitations to new topics and courses are issued through direct mail and to RDWA Learn users, and upcoming events are advertised in our weekly ENews. Invitations will include links to register.
Signing up and creating your account is easy and will give you access to the courses you are eligible to attend.
If you have any requests for future learn sessions, or any difficulties creating an account or accessing the content please contact:
RDWA Learn team
Phone: 08 8234 8277
Email: learn@ruraldoc.com.au