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Terms & Conditions


This website provides general information about the Rural Doctors Workforce Agency (“RDWA”) and its services.

The use of any information, graphics or other materials contained on this website (“Website Information”) by persons who use or access this website (“you”) is subject to these terms and conditions and our privacy policy.

By using or accessing this website, you accept and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

Disclaimer and limitation of liability

The Website Information is intended as a guide only and not as specific personal advice. RDWA makes no representation or warranty as to whether any of the Website Information is true, accurate, authentic, correct or complete.  You should read the Website Information in its entirety and where appropriate, seek independent professional advice before using any of RDWA’s services.

This website provides links to external websites. RDWA does not endorse or approve any external website or the contents of any external website and does not represent or warrant that:

  • the contents of any external website linked to this website are true, accurate, authentic, correct or complete; or
  • the contents of any such external website does not breach any rights, including any intellectual property rights, of any third party.

Use of any external website that is linked to this website is governed by the terms of that website. The provision of a link to an external website does not authorise you to reproduce, adapt, modify, communicate or in any way deal with the material on that site.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, RDWA is not liable to you in any manner whatsoever for any loss (including without limitation loss from viruses), damage, claim, cost or expense directly or indirectly incurred by you or anyone else as a result of use or reliance on this website, any of the Website Information or any material contained on an external website which is linked to this website.

Linking from RDWA website to other websites

Requests to create hyperlinks from this website to an external website should be made to RDWA using the contact details set out below. RDWA will consider any requests to create hyperlinks from this website based on the following criteria:

  • if the request relates to an external website of a commercial nature, whether the relevant hyperlink relates directly to the work of RDWA and whether it will provide direct benefits to RDWA’s core business; and
  • if the request relates to an external website of a government or not-for-profit organisation, whether the relevant hyperlink is directly related to RDWA’s core business and the likelihood of RDWA being granted permission from the relevant organisation to incorporate the relevant hyperlink.

RDWA reserves the right to agree to or refuse any request to create a hyperlink on this website at its absolute discretion. RDWA will not create any hyperlinks from this website to any individual or personal websites.

RDWA policies

Unless expressly stated otherwise, you must not rely on any of the Website Information as a statement of RDWA policy.

RDWA will endeavour to review all of its policies periodically. Whenever a policy is changed or updated, a new version will be posted on this website as soon as reasonably practicable. RDWA reserves the right to make changes to its policies as required and without notice at any time.

Intellectual property rights

RDWA owns all intellectual property rights (including without limitation any and all copyright, trademark and/or patent rights) in the Website Information and this website. You may not use, copy or reproduce any Website Information (including without limitation any logo, trademark or brand used on this Website), other than as detailed below.

You may download, copy or print the Website Information for your personal, educational or non-commercial use, but you must not do so for a commercial purpose (for example, publishing, selling or otherwise commercialising the Website Information or otherwise profit from such information) without RDWA’s prior written consent. If you use any Website Information for a personal, educational or non-commercial use, you must:

  • acknowledge the source of any selected passage, table, diagram or other extract reproduced when you use such information;
  • not modify such information without the express prior written permission of RDWA; and
  • include in any copy made the statement: “this material is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced in any form without the express permission of The Rural Doctors Workforce Agency”.

Other than as set out in the above paragraph, nothing in these terms and conditions or on this website is to be construed as granting you any licence or right to use any copyright, trademark, logo, brand or other intellectual property right of RDWA without the prior written consent of RDWA.

Requests regarding the use of the Website Information for any purpose other than personal, educational or non-commercial uses may be made using the contact details set out below.

Variation and termination

RDWA reserves the right to amend or vary the Website Information and the contents of these terms and conditions at any time without notice. RDWA also reserves the right to terminate your access to this website at any time.


Phone: +61 8 8234 8277
Email: ruraldoc@ruraldoc.com.au